Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.-- James A. Froude (1818-1894)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

SPCA - It feels good to volunteer!

Early last week a stray dog gave birth to 5 cute little puppies. She had no where to go, so instinctively brought them up to the 2nd floor of our apartment block. I was shocked to see them when I came back after work.

What should i do? - turn a blind eye and HOPE THEY WILL JUST GO AWAY?? The next morning, when she was still there, I had the most unpleasant decision to make... I had to call SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). A nice, patient lady explained that they can come & pick up the dog & her pups but they will most probably be PUT TO SLEEP because they just do not have not enough room/resources to cope with the increasing animals being brought in. [That is why SPCA is campaigning for neutering of both male & female animals - to prevent more births!]

We had no choice but to send them. While waiting I gave her some water, leftover fried chicken, cooked her 2 eggs omelette & some bread (like the Last Supper.....). The truck came in the afternoon (after I left for work). Mom was the lookout: to make sure that the dog doesn't run away. She talked to the dog and the dog let her pat her. When the driver came with his dog-catching apparatus, the dog instinctively knew. She was a gentle dog but when she sensed it she became defensive & put up a fight & ran off. So he only took the 5 innocent puppies!!

The saddest thing was in the late evening after I returned from work, we saw the dog at our apartment grill door, wagging her tail and looking at us, as if asking WHERE ARE MY PUPPIES? Left more than a tear in my eye :(

The more pressing issue is that it's her third pregnancy (what we gathered from the neighbours) and it will happen again !! - if she is not neutered [BTW neutering/spay the female is more complicated than neutering the male]. I have only seen her once after this episode...

Now, WHERE's the FEEL GOOD part?? you ask ?

Well, Chelvy (the lady from SPCA) got to know that I have some computer knowledge and asked me to contact her. They needed help in extracting data from their database. I was a bit worried because I was very rusty in MS Access. Luckily, I managed to solve the problem, WHEW!! And IT FELT GOOD! We are often caught up in our own problems & disappointment and we forget how LUCKY we are... these animals are facing either LIFE or DEATH ... Makes everything else petty in comparison!

A group of students from Sunway College was also there to help sort out items for their Jumble Sale the next day!! Good for them!

When I first entered the office area, I had a 'greeter' - a brown dog came up to me & looked at me. I love dogs and I knew she wanted a pat [BTW a note, never raise your hand to pat a dog's head - they will feel threatened and may retaliate]. I, first, let her sniff my hand and when she wagged her tail [shows she's friendly, trusting], I slowly stroked her chin, ears, neck & body... She liked it so much, she didn't want me to stop... !!

There are many ways you can help these poor animals...

Remember this -->
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself. - James Anthony Froude

  • Be more aware of what's happening - don't turn a blind eye!!

  • Donate your time, expertise, energy, contacts - Volunteer ! (occasionally, if you don't want to be tied down)

  • Teach your children to respect animals - show by your own example - don't use your leg to kick/ push aside a stray cat who's looking for some TLC (tender, loving, care). They will grow to be better people, more compassionate towards all human & animal alike

  • check out SPCA website to be informed!! http://www.spca.org.my/

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