Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.-- James A. Froude (1818-1894)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What happened to the dogs rescued from Pulau Ketam?

Happy news! Thirteen of our rescued Pulau Ketam dogs have found a new home with the Lotus Life Liberation Farm in Bentong, Pahang !

Thanks to the unwavering efforts of Dr Chan Kah Yein from AnimalCare, a new animal-rescue group and the big hearts of the founders of LLLF, the dogs will share a new, beautiful home with geese, goats, cows and 25 other dogs!
On 2 Aug, the dogs made their journey to thier new home. “This is a beautiful place, with such positive energy. The dogs will definitely be happy here,” comments Dr Joe, SPCA vet.
This enclosure is temporary, to allow the dogs to get use to the farm & not run off!

There will be another trip on 13th of August, when another 6 dogs will be relocated in the wide, green, grassy paradise for animals!

Visit http://www.myanimalcare.org/ to view more photos and stories ! >>


SPCA welcomes food donation of rice and dog kibbles (strictly vegetarian only) for the dogs at the LLLF. If you would like to help with the upkeep of the dogs, kindly send your contributions to the SPCA Selangor Animal Shelter by 12th August 2009.

They will transport the food to the LLLF during our next trip on the 13th of August 2009. After that, we will be coordinating with the suppliers to deliver directly to the farm on a monthly basis.

For enquiries, please drop us a line at enquiries@spca.org.my ! We all can play a part in these dogs ‘happily-ever-after’, every bit counts!


Anonymous said...

What would have happened to these Pulau Ketam dogs if Dr. Chan hadn't found a home for them at the Lotus Life Liberation Farm?

Would SPCA have euthanised the dogs?

What is going to happen to the remaining dogs that were rescued from Pulau Ketam?

Pulau Ketam dog follower

Crazee Patches said...

Not my place to speculate as I am not from SPCA. Just hoping that they get enough funds & support so that that does not happen.

I can only post info sent to me via SPCA newsletter, from time to time. Thks for the queries.


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