Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.-- James A. Froude (1818-1894)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

GOOD NEWS for strays

Finally, after a year of bad news about animal abandonment & cruelty, the year ends with some GOOD NEWS!

After 50 years of being a squatter on a 2-acre piece of land in Jalan Kerja Air Lama, Ampang, the SPCA in Selangor has managed to purchase this land from the Selangor Govenrment for a premium price!

Many unwanted animals have been seeking temporary refuge at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) since its inception in 1958 by a Dutchman, the late Max Wheatley and his wife Mea Wheatley, who is presently SPCA’s fundraising chairman.

Plans are on the way to build an eco-friendly shelter to house 200 cats & 300 dogs. Hijjas Kasturi, Malaysia's #1 architect is offering his services pro bono. Construction work is expected to commence by next year-end if sufficient funds are raised. SPCA also welcomes donations in kind from contractors or developers who have excess building materials.

“On our eco-friendly efforts, we will be harvesting rainwater for reuse, using local materials, building and designing the shelter around the trees that are over 100 years old and implementing a proper waste management system. We would like to make our own compost as well, so we welcome expertise from environment specialists.”, said Christine, in an interview with The Star

There will also be an important section for Education & Awareness activties.

Now's your chance to contribute & make a difference.
Many a time, when I tell people the plight of these strays & abandoned pets, they throw their hands into the air, and say.. "What can we do? It's like that, one. Let the NGOs do it".

THERE IS MUCH that U can do.. in a big or small way. Educate your children & adults to respect animals - not kick them or buy them when they look cute & throw them away (literally) when it becomes too bothersome to keep. Hey, it's a living, breathing, feeling life we are talking about.

Buying any animal for pet encourages indiscriminate breeding & the ridiculous $$ people pay for an animal has caused a mushrooming of 'pet shops', even can find them at wet markets & pasar malam! -- all for profit. What happens to unsold dogs? Female dogs used to breed are not given proper care & rest between litters. Often forced to mate & produce puppies over & over again. Puppies are often weak & have health issues. This is a form of cruelty! These are known overseas as PUPPY MILLS.

Many years ago, when my father was interested in breeding dogs (boxers), he bought a male puppy from Australia. He was called Phoenix Firecracker on his birth cert. We just call him Duke. His Birth Certificate to showed that he is a pure boxer breed, with a trace of its lineage. It listed the names of it's dog parents & grand parents, all award winning dogs. There's also a Health Certificate. He was mated with another boxer (bought locally. We called her Ninja) but is registered with the Malaysia Kennel Association. They're puppies were all registered at MKA too, after under-going a medical check-up. But it was difficult to maintain the business, so we sold a few pups and kept Duke & Ninja as pets until their demise. They were faithful pets & very much a part of our family.

But, I digress...

To SUPPORT the PROPER MANAGEMENT of STRAYS, pls SUPPORT SPCA in their fund-raising efforts especially for their new building, so that they can save more dogs & cats from being put down (euthanised) due to space constraint. Many have complained & are against this policy, so DO DONATE by :

The desktop calendar is published by Digital Imaging Publication Sdn Bhd. (publisher of Pet Lover magazne). Will be available in most MPH, Popular and Borders bookstores at a price of RM 19.90. From this, RM 10.00 is directed to both charities; with RM 5.00 going to the SPCA, and RM5.00 going to the MNAWF (Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation).

For any organisations or persons wanting to purchase bulk orders, please contact the publisher directly, via klyeamkl@dipublication.com or mobile 012-227-4286.

Source: SPCA newsletter

2010 DIARY
Pet lovers donated RM1,000 each to have their pet’s picture featured in the diary which is sold at RM40. About 1,200 copies were printed, fully sponsored by a Singaporean woman.

SPCA is offering their 168 new kennels up for sponsorship. RM5,000 will allow the sponsor to have naming rights over a kennel for life. Almost 30 kennels have been sold already.

The main event in their fundraising efforts is Black Solid Gold, a charity gala dinner in which Donne Ray Radford — lead singer and tenor of The Platters from 1986-1992 — will perform the solid golden sounds of Black American Soul, R&B, funk and jazz hits made famous by Stevie Wonder, Prince, Lionel Ritchie and Al Jarreau, and a special medley of Michael Jackson’s top hits.

The gala dinner will be held at The Shangri-la Hotel Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, Jan 10 next year. Dress code is 80s or smart casual.

Tickets (tax-exempted) are priced at RM5,000, RM3,000, RM2,500, RM2,000 and RM1,500 for a table of 10.
Individual seating is also available.

For enquiries and purchase of the Gala Dinner tickets, diary and calendar, head to the SPCA or call 03) 4256 5312/4253 5179, e-mail: spca@streamyx.com

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